0ne whole day with0ut any ringing of incoming call n message, d0es teach me al0t..
at dat time, i really need to save up the battery life..
c0z with0ut keep contact with en.B n frens gives great impact!
dat's is my early assumption!
but, then..my view changed..i learnt a lot yesterday..
First lesson~ it taught me not t0 act up t0o much! hehe...da day before, saya g pusing & survey kat banyak kedai nset, to get the lower prices of nfon charger.. they offered me with RM 15..it's t0o much for me, coz in terengganu, i can get with only RM 10...RM5 is BIG AMOUNT for me!!
then, at BIllion Supermarket, i found one with RM10..
thus, i was acting up to en.B saying dat,
"tengok, kan saya da gtaw, ada la charger harga RM 10! n i found it..hehee..fuhh, save duit!"
but, yesterday, i left dat charger at home, eventhough i'd packed it up..
las nait, baru i realize dat it's not with me..hmm..
i needed to buy a new one, to use it, here..
at last, i needed to spend more money to buy a new one..
Second lesson~ las nite, i watched drama n did on marking students' papers without any interference! tido n bangun pagi tanpa ade desakan atau kalut untuk entertain any incoming call n messages...wahh, AMAN nye HIDUP!!
if not, i kept on receiving messages n call from students...
asking me when i'm free and some want to sh0w me the outlines n bla..bla..
heyy students! do respect my private time!
d0 call n mssage me during day only, NOT at NIGHT!
even, during wekends, i still receive mssages n call from 'dem..
sori students, i need to rest n hev time wif my en.B..hahaa..
Third reason~ it made us missing each other a lots...en.B started worrying bout me, if he cudn't reach me wif call or no reply for his mssages...
wahh..i shud off or not charge my nf0n for several days, i think!
then, the feeling wil b fruity n str0nger ..kui3..
thus, we should appreciate for every single n small2 things happen..
there must b g0od n bad of it..
now, i really need a day without disturbance fr0m nf0n!
say NO to inc0ming call n messages!
(i cud stand for only 0ne whole day, i think..hihii..)
Cheers & Lurve~