C0untd0wn t0 31st August..h0oyeahh!! it's d0uble g0od tIme!...=D..
it evokes fond remembrances of a happier tIme..even, it's 2 years past!
fabul0us! if i cud turn back tIme n feel da same way i felt...;P
31st August 2010= 53rd MERDEKA + 2nd year of our relationship..
..we've been happily together for 2 years..
..2 YEARS!! how time flies..
..t0o much ups n d0wn..
may this relati0n last f0rever n hereafter..
~...you're my hunny-bunch, sugarplum..
...you're my sweetie pie..
..you're my cuppy cake..
gum drops...
...snoogums boogums..
..you're the APPLE of MY EYE..
..and I LOVE you so0oo and I want you to know..
..that I'll always be right here..
...and I love to sing, sweet songs to you...
..bec0z you r so0oo dear!~